Monday, April 7, 2008

the selective truth

When i think of Margaret Atwood’s "happy endings" and compare it too babette's story as to why she took the dylar and had her affair many things come to mind. The major thing that i consider to be notable is how babette is like ohh ya i confide in you and i'll tell you everything.... but then she really doesn't. She simply states facts, like telling jack the reasons for her to seek the help of medication. She says things like "this is all you have to know" and "never mind why". Why does she feel she needs to be so vague to jack, after all he is her husband and her purpose is to reveal and confide. Margaret Atwood then comes to mind because in happy endings, details were what were important. This is where the actual story comes from -- the emotional, physical, satisfaction, "stimulating and challenging" things that make up our life.

Monday, March 10, 2008

girl scouts

“what social position does selling girl scout cookies prepare women for?”

selling girl scout cookies prepares women for future success in life. this activity helps you girls how to interact with their community. When I was a girl scout my troop and I would set goals at our meetings, organize a schedule of hours to work, and who would be working when. We would then calculate how many boxes each girl would need to sell in order to achieve our goal. Our group leader would give us guidelines on how to ask customers if they would like cookies. We would then practice on each other. We would practice giving recommendations on our favorite cookie, how to make change, making our display appealing and functional, and work with one another to help our troop achieve our goal. It was a big ordeal and something my friends and I would always look forward too. Selling cookies give girls the idea of how you will have to work to earn money in the future. You will have to set goals, budget, be organized, and work well with others. These attributes will need to be used in almost any type of social position whether it is a homemaker, or a business owner.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

what is deconstruction

i did this assignment with my dad. i'm just gonna say upfront that he has his PhD in biochemistry. . . so you can image the funnn conversation we had ;) we were sitting outside of starbucks, on a pleasant luke warm afternoon. He asked, “how is your drink han?” i responded what is a drink? he gave me the ‘are you serious’ look and responded; well in your case it is an iced passion tea with no sweetener. What is passion tea? It is a type of tea. what is tea? well it is a beverage made from leaves, spices, or flowers or a combination of the three. what are leaves? leaves come from trees or plants. What are plants? They are living organisms. What are organisms? Organisms are a complex life form made up of many cells. (i interrupted) okay so what are cells? Cells are the smallest living thing. So is a drink is a thing? Yup a drink is a thing, everything is a thing hannah. Wow good job dad.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


superpositioning is a theory in quantum physics. What makes up thought? Well ideals, concepts, and information do. thoughts would be insubstantial without a thought concentration. things never touch other objects, they are single existing atom. many atoms make up an object. this occurs by the electron charge pushing away before the other charge touches the atom. it is only through conscious experiences that we encounter that have the ability move forward in life. we also have the capability of going back in time. the objects that we see are existing everywhere in the universe. however, the person is able to choose what one they want to focus on. when we aren’t looking, everything exists in the universe, but we choose what we want to focus on. we also choose the moments in time we focus on.

i think it is actually a very well though out theory, one that i most likely couldn’t come up with myself. however, i cant say how much i think it is total Truth.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

so who believes this?

“Does the story always reflect the beliefs of the storyteller?”

So in written works who decides what to write? Well obviously the writer does. Are these writings from their opinions? I would say yes these are their opinions, but aren’t necessarily their beliefs. For example when characters are racists, atheistic, or have eating problems, that doesn’t mean the writer himself has all those lifestyles and beliefs. He could be writing about them because of his experience with people who have those beliefs or making fun of them. He could also be persuading you into thinking that these believe are good or bad. Therefore, the beliefs portrayed through the story don’t always reflect the actual beliefs of the storyteller.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I think that deciding what art is comes down to individual preference. I personally think that everything is created with a meaning. And whatever it is, even just babble or a random sketch it is art. Just like this, God created everything with a meaning. From human beings to the simplest organisms, he gave them all a life and a meaning. I feel the same way about the art that people create. Whether it is a famous masterpiece, or notebook doodle it is art in your own shape or form. It is all about the artist and the meaning they find it for themelves. If other individuals don’t find the same value in it as the creator then that is fine; the creator made what they liked and what was meaningful to them, so who cares if other people don’t like it. If other people like their art, then it must mean something special to them as well, even if they don’t find the same meaning or satisfaction out of it as the creator.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


The celebration of disorder is quite evident in the poem Adolescence 2. For example, “although it is night, I sit in the bathroom, waiting” is very disorderly. First of all, why are you sitting in the bathroom in the middle of the night, and what are you waiting for? Normally people aren’t in the bathroom in the middle of the night unless they are sick or need to use the restroom. But that isn’t the case, because this person is waiting for something. In an orderly world, why would you need to wait for something in the middle of the night? Another evidence of disorder is, “night rests like a ball of fur on my tongue”. In an orderly setting, there would not be a ‘ball of fur’ on your tongue. In my mind this is a drug reference, and in an orderly world, drugs are disorder. With these examples of disorder, the poem adolescence 2 portrays celebration of disorder.

Rita dove -- Adolescence II (page 3061)