Sunday, March 9, 2008

what is deconstruction

i did this assignment with my dad. i'm just gonna say upfront that he has his PhD in biochemistry. . . so you can image the funnn conversation we had ;) we were sitting outside of starbucks, on a pleasant luke warm afternoon. He asked, “how is your drink han?” i responded what is a drink? he gave me the ‘are you serious’ look and responded; well in your case it is an iced passion tea with no sweetener. What is passion tea? It is a type of tea. what is tea? well it is a beverage made from leaves, spices, or flowers or a combination of the three. what are leaves? leaves come from trees or plants. What are plants? They are living organisms. What are organisms? Organisms are a complex life form made up of many cells. (i interrupted) okay so what are cells? Cells are the smallest living thing. So is a drink is a thing? Yup a drink is a thing, everything is a thing hannah. Wow good job dad.

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