Wednesday, February 6, 2008


first of all im just gonna say i <3 toast....but not as much as i <3 cereal.

Where does the breakdown of words and meaning lie? i would say that the meaning of life is inadequate in the system of language. There is no possible way that the meaning of life could accurately be described through a series of simple words. This is because words were created by humans. Sure God created everything, including words, however us humans were bestowed the gift of putting meaning to the words; this is the beauty of language, but then again that is a whole other story. “toast cannot be explained by any rational means”. Even something as simple as toast can’t be explained by the words we assigned to it. Toast just ends up to be a thing in life, just as all the other…. things. “i am toast”. Yes i am a piece of toast. Why? Because that is my name, that is the word assigned to me; its how i am identified what people call me. What is me -- well I am just another thing here on earth. The inadequate system of language is the cause for all things essentially being, things.

works cited:

- oryx and crake by Margaret Atwood

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