Thursday, January 17, 2008

the crisis of postmodernity

As christians, the topic of postmodernism is quite controversial. Chrsitians have moral standards of what is right and what it wrong. For postmodernists, you can make up your own rules and ethics, call yourself whatever you want, and do whatever you please. This is because words dont have any meaning until you give them one. So in the end, everything that you experience in your life is all relative to the way you enterpret it. All of this goes completely against what Christians stand for. Life is given order and value by God. He is the ruler and gives purpose to life; meaning to the joyful events as well as the horrible tragedies that occur throughout the course of ones life. As Christians, what we do is stay true to our faith, and not let the disorganization of postmodernism ruin our lives. All we have to do is stay true to the one man who saved us from ourselves, Jesus Christ.

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